Dear Friends

- MMS on Trial - Grand Jury to Determine the Fate of
Daniel Smith (and MMS)
A man’s life -
and that of his friends and family - hangs in the balance. They
need our immediate help. The FDA’s prosecutor has called for a federal
grand jury to be convened in the Eastern District of Washington in
less than ten days. We don’t have much time to make history.
(Buy MMS -- water purifier here:
FDA seeks to have the courts declare MMS a "drug" subject to
regulation by the FDA and to charge Daniel Smith of Project GreenLife
and others with violations of Title 18 Section 371, "Conspiracy to
commit an
offense against the United States" in violation of The Food Drug and
Cosmetic Act.
On June 29, 2011, without any warning, the FDA raided Daniel Smith’s home along with
two companies that did Project GreenLife's fulfillment and bottling.
Armed with guns
and vests, they seized everything: computers, hard drives, business
records, private member records, product, equipment, and every penny
from every bank account, wiping Project GreenLife out all in a single
afternoon. Not a bad day’s work for a stealthy yearlong operation.
(I hear that Daniel was homeless with his family.)
GreenLife was a 1st and 14th Amendment Private Membership Association.
Trustee, Daniel wrote the FDA a year prior, asking if the agency had any
legal and valid objection to making MMS available to private members in
private domain.
By the help and
counsel of the ProAdvocate Group, Daniel based his inquiry on a
good-faith understanding of U.S. Supreme Court case law as it pertained
to the activities of a private association. Daniel told the FDA unless
they objected within ten days he would assume they had no objection.
While they could
have just replied, they didn’t, leaving Daniel to believe he was
free to go about his business. In the meanwhile, FDA agents spent a
year quietly going through his garbage, putting GPS tracking devices on
cars, having agents sign membership contracts affirming they were not
federal agents so they could make fraudulent buys.
Slowly and
methodically they gathered enough information to craft a story that
would shock
a Magistrate into granting them nearly a hundred warrants so they could
completely wipe Project GreenLife out all in a single day. They wanted
teach Daniel Smith a lesson, limit the availability of MMS to the world,
and make sure nobody else tried exercising their constitutional
Daniel has been fighting for his life and the lives of his people for ten months with very
little resources and without an attorney. He’s kept everything under wraps until now.
If the FDA wins this case, it would result in a horrible precedent by an uninformed
court’s determination that MMS and sodium chlorite are “drugs” subject to regulatory oversight, and Daniel and others may go to
prison for a very long time.
But they’ve
underestimated the MMS Movement. We have a chance to turn it all
around and stop this before it goes any further. Both a grand jury and
trial jury can put an end to the tyranny of rogue agencies like the FDA
with what is called "Jury Nullification".
Google those words and share what you learn. If we band together, Jury Nullification
could be the end of corrupt government.
Prosecutors, judges, and agencies like the FDA are terrified of the words “Jury
Nullification” because it educates jurors of their right and power to decide what is and isn’t a “just” law, placing the real
Power back into the hands of the People where it belongs.
This is how the prohibition on alcohol was repealed in America in 30’s. Juries
simply refused to convict because the law was unjust.
Harlan F. Stone, the 12th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1941 said: “The
law itself is on trial quite as much as the cause which is to be decided...
If a juror feels
that the statute involved in any criminal offence is unfair, or that it
infringes upon the defendant's natural god-given unalienable or
constitutional rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending
statute is
really no law at all and that the violation of it is no crime at all,
for no one is bound to obey an unjust law.”
Juries are made of people like you and me. They aren't dumb and they can see through
greedy government charades if they are provided with enough facts.
The facts in
this case are sodium chlorite is not a drug, the FDA has no
jurisdiction, and
Daniel Smith and Project GreenLife are not criminals. The problem is,
grand juries tend to only hear the prosecutor's version of the story,
trial juries rarely hear the evidence that would acquit.
However, a prosecutor is obligated to share "exculpatory evidence" and we can help with
The jury needs to hear that sodium chlorite is not a drug, that chlorine dioxide,
privately made, is perfectly safe to use, and that the FDA is overreaching!
They also need to know that Daniel Smith and his people are not criminals. They need
to hear they (the jury) have the power to put an end to the FDA’s 110 year reign of sickness and terror.
Here is a link
to Sample Declarations you can download and read. If you agree, and
you are willing to take a stand for Daniel and his family, and for MMS,
and to tell the government and the FDA to BACK OFF, and to help the Jury
reacquainted with their true Power; then simply SIGN AND SEND!
Follow the
instructions for 10,000 Declarations on It will
only the money and time it takes to mail and you could help make history
and save more lives. I doubt any court or jury has received thousands
of testimonies like this, until now.
declaration counts. Don’t think other people will send enough that
won’t matter. If everyone thinks that, no one will send anything, and
Daniel Smith and his family will be left to the sharks and the
tyranny will continue.
PGL helped the
MMS movement grow by making MMS available all over the world for over
years. They gave half of every bottle sold back to those who shared
it. Here is our chance to support them in return and get the truth
about MMS and the FDA on the Record!
Remember, we have less than ten days. Let’s see if we can get 10,000
Declarations sent THIS weekend.
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